Download ISIS-Fish

ISIS-Fish (Java version)

Only the Java version of ISIS-Fish is supported on this website. The current and previous versions are available here.

Regional models

Bay of Biscay dataset

This is a demonstration dataset that is more advanced than the DemoRegion dataset. ISIS-Fish V3.3, or more recent, is required.

Bay of Biscay scenario dataset

This is a dataset with simulations for the scenarios created by the “Dents du Golfe” (Jaws in the Bay) forecasting workshop. ISIS-Fish V4.3, or more recent, is required.

Bay of Biscay Anchovy dataset

This is a dataset for a hindcast for anchovy in the Bay of Biscay. ISIS-Fish V3.3.0.8.

Bay of Biscay Pelagic Fishery dataset

This is a dataset for multi-species, multi-fleet simulation of the pelagic fishery in the Bay of Biscay.

English Channel Flatfish Fishery dataset

This is a dataset for the flatfish fishery in the English Channel. ISIS-Fish V4.2.1.1

Eastern English Channel mixed demersal Fishery dataset

This is the dataset for the mixed demersal fishery in the Eastern English Channel, developped for the EU projects SOCIOEC and DISCARDLESS. V4.4.1.0.

ISIS-Fish (R version)

The R version of ISIS-Fish, FLISIS, was created by the FLR project and is not supported on this website, but you can download it from here.